The French McKinsey Probe is an ongoing investigation into the consulting firm McKinsey & Company in France. The probe initially began due to allegations of unfair and illegal practices, but has now expanded to include a possible link to the 2017 French Presidential Election. In this article, we will look at current developments in the French McKinsey Probe and how it is related to the 2017 French Election.

Background of the French McKinsey Probe
The French McKinsey Probe began in 2018 when the French Antitrust Authority (Autorité) opened an investigation into allegations of unfair and anticompetitive practices by McKinsey & Company in France. The probe centered around possible wrongdoings, including suspected bid rigging and monopolies.

McKinsey has maintained that it acted appropriately and with respect to the applicable laws in France. The firm’s Managing Director in France, Willam Hennessy, said that the firm practices are “rigorous and compliant with applicable laws,” and that the firm is “cooperating fully with this matter, which is now before the French Antitrust Authority.”

Expansion Into French Election

In 2019, the French McKinsey Probe was expanded to include a possible link to the 2017 French Presidential Election. Prosecutors from the National Financial Office of France are now investigating whether McKinsey & Company gave improper payments and other assistance to campaigns in exchange for business contracts.

The investigation has focused on three main areas:

  1. Payments made to campaign advisors or consultants associated with President Emmanuel Macron.
  2. Release of confidential election surveys or polls to certain campaigns, including the Macron and Fillon campaigns.
  3. Payments made to political networks that are associated with President Macron.

These three areas present serious issues related to transparency and proper conduct. The French Antitrust Authority has significantly increased the scope and intensity of the McKinsey investigation in recent months.

Legal Ramifications of the French McKinsey Probe
The legal ramifications of the French McKinsey Probe are still unclear. It is possible that McKinsey & Company could face fines, sanctions, or other punishments if the company is found to have acted inappropriately. However, it is unclear how far-reaching the consequences could be.

The French National Financial Office has already issued several warnings against those associated with President Macron’s campaigns. It is possible that the investigation could expand beyond the French elections and into other areas, such as other alleged unfair and anticompetitive practices by McKinsey in other countries.

International Reactions to the French McKinsey Probe

The French McKinsey Probe has received significant international attention due to the size and significance of the company involved. Companies, organizations, and governments from around the world have expressed varying levels of concern.

The United States Government has expressed particular concern about the expanding investigation and its potential implications. United States Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has stated that the US government is “closely monitoring” the situation and will continue to do so.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has also voiced concerns over the matter. In May 2019, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde issued a statement calling on French authorities to proceed with the investigation in an open and transparent manner.

The French McKinsey Probe is an ongoing investigation with significant implications. The probe initially began due to allegations of unfair and illegal practices, but has now expanded to include a possible link to the 2017 French Presidential Election. The French Antitrust Authority has significantly increased the scope and intensity of the McKinsey investigation in recent months. It is possible that McKinsey & Company could face fines, sanctions, or other punishments if the company is found to have acted inappropriately. The French McKinsey Probe has received significant international attention due to the size and significance of the company involved, with US government and the International Monetary Fund voicing particular concern. The final outcome of the French McKinsey Probe remains to be seen.