The Malaysian and Cambodian governments have recently signed two agreements that provide more legal and safety protections for Cambodian workers going to Malaysia for employment. The pacts are intended to bring more transparency and consistency to the process of recruitment and management of workers. The signing of these pacts was a result of increasing labor migration between the two countries, especially in the construction and agricultural sectors. This article will discuss the details of the two agreements, the motivations behind them, and the potential implications on the labor market in Malaysia.


Labor migration between Cambodia and Malaysia has been on the rise in recent years, with increasing numbers of Cambodian workers travelling to Malaysia in search of employment. The Malaysian government estimates that there are approximately 600,000 workers in Malaysia that are of Cambodian origin. This makes Cambodia one of the top sources of labor for Malaysia.

Cambodians are often employed in the construction and agricultural sectors, and some have also found jobs in other low-skilled occupations such as domestic work. Given the high number of workers from Cambodia, the Malaysian government is keen to ensure that they are treated fairly and with the appropriate labor protections.

Details of the Agreements

The Malaysian government has signed two separate agreements with the Cambodian government relating to the legal and safety protections for Cambodian workers coming to Malaysia.

The first agreement is the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the Recruitment of Cambodian Workers to Malaysia. The main premise of this agreement is to improve the recruitment process and ensure better labor standards and protection for Cambodian workers in Malaysia. This agreement stipulates that:

• There must be a transparent and cost effective recruitment process, with fees paid by employers and no costs should be borne by workers.

• A list of approved and registered recruitment agencies in both Cambodia and Malaysia must be maintained, and any recruitment processes must be conducted using only those approved agencies.

• All workers must go through the relevant visa screening evaluations and health checks before beginning employment.

• Minimum working terms and conditions, wages, other benefits and leave entitlements for the workers must be set out and agreed upon prior to their employment.

The second agreement is the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the Safety and Protection of Cambodian Workers in Malaysia. This agreement was developed to ensure that Cambodian workers that travel to Malaysia are provided with appropriate safety and protection while they are working. It sets out the responsibilities of employers and relevant Malaysian authorities to ensure the safety of workers, the obligations of the relevant Cambodian and Malaysian occupational health and safety agencies and the preventative measures that should be taken in cases of accidents or abuse.

Motivations Behind The Agreements

The main objective behind the two agreements is to ensure better protection and labor standards for Cambodian workers in Malaysia. This is in line with the Malaysian government’s efforts to ensure that all foreign workers in the country are treated fairly and with the applicable labor protections. The agreements are also intended to strengthen the relationship between the two countries, by protecting the rights and interests of workers from Cambodia that are employed in Malaysia.

Implications on the Labor Market

The two agreements have the potential to have a positive impact on the labor market in Malaysia, by providing better working conditions and protection for Cambodian workers. This could lead to more Cambodians seeking employment in Malaysia, as they have greater assurance that their rights and interests will be protected.

Additionally, the agreements may reduce the cost for employers, as recruiters and agencies must now adhere to the regulations set out in both agreements. This could result in lower recruitment fees, as well as improved quality of services provided by recruiters. Moreover, employers will be able to hire Cambodian workers with more confidence, knowing that they have the necessary protections in place.

The recent signing of two agreements between the Malaysian and Cambodian governments has the potential to bring more legal certainty and safety protections for Cambodian workers travelling to Malaysia for employment. The agreements aim to ensure that Cambodian workers coming to Malaysia have access to transparent, cost effective recruitment processes and improved working conditions. If implemented correctly, the agreements could lead to a more positive environment for employers and workers alike in both countries.