The Ukraine War is an ongoing international conflict between Ukraine and Russia, its main neighbor and oldest ally, since 2014. It is widely viewed as a “proxy war” between Russia and a western-backed Ukrainian government. Russia’s military and economic support to pro-Russian separatist forces in Ukraine has been a key factor in the prolonging of this conflict. As the Ukrainian crisis continues to escalate, it is important to understand Russia’s motivations and strategies in the war.
Motives of Russia’s Intervention in Ukraine
Russia’s motivations in the war vary, but have a few general themes at their core.
Preserving its Sphere of Influence
One of the most important motives for Russia is rooted in maintaining its traditional sphere of influence and preventing what was seen as encroachment by western powers in Ukraine. Ukraine is a historically significant and essential part of the Russian identity and its actions in Ukraine can be seen as an extension of this attempt to reclaim Ukraine as a part of its political and economic space.
Protecting its Interests
Russia has also been motivated by its economic interests in Ukraine. This includes protection of its economic investments, including a gas pipeline and ownership of Ukrainian government bonds, and assurance that these would remain secure. Russia has also been concerned with Ukraine’s NATO membership, as it could potentially mean that NATO forces would be able to access ports within Ukraine.
Presence of Allies & People of Pro-Russian Ideology
Russia has also been motivated by sentiments of those in the East of Ukraine, including pro-Russian separatists who had been supported by Russia and those who share a pro-Russian ideology. These people had expressed their desire to be closer aligned to Russia and its policies rather than those of Ukraine and the West.
Strategies by Russia in Ukraine War
Economic Blockade
Russia has imposed an economic blockade of Ukraine as part of its strategy to influence the Ukrainian government’s decision making. This strategy has included cutting off access to natural gas, suspending trade with Ukraine, and eliminating Ukrainian businesses from the Russian market.
Political Pressure
Russia has also implemented political pressure tactics as a means of coercing Ukraine into complying with its demands. This has included implementation of sanctions, imposed by both Russia and the United Nations, which have had severe impacts on the Ukrainian economy. Additionally, Russia has funded pro-Russian separatist militias to create further political pressure on Ukraine.
Territorial Expansion
Russia has also employed a strategy of territorial expansion in the Ukraine War. Through this strategy, it has sought to expand its influence and territory in Ukraine by annexing parts of the Crimean peninsula and other contested areas in eastern Ukraine.
Military Support to Rebels
Russia has provided military and financial support to separatist forces in eastern Ukraine. This has included providing military and logistical help to separatists, as well as arming separatists and providing them with training.
Russia has also employed propaganda as part of its strategy in the Ukraine War. This has included attempts to influence public opinion both within Ukraine and the wider international community by disseminating pro-Russian propaganda and fake news.
Russia’s involvement in the Ukraine War has been motivated by various factors, primarily rooted in maintaining its traditional sphere of influence and protecting its interests in the region. To this end, Russia has employed a variety of strategies including economic blockades, political pressure tactics, territorial expansion, military support to rebels, and propaganda. As the Ukraine War continues to escalate, it is important to understand Russia’s motivations and strategies in the war.