Finding the right time to book a flight can save you a considerable amount of money, so knowing exactly when the best time to get a bargain is essential. The most popular day that travellers want to know when they should be booking flights is the ‘best day of the week’. In this article we will look at the best day to book flights, the best time in terms of the month or season to look for the cheapest flights and the best websites or apps to use when searching for flights.

In Terms of Day of the Week, What is the Best Day to Book Flights?

The best day of the week to book flights is highly dependent on where you are based and where you are flying to. Generally speaking, searching for flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays tends to be the best time to look for a bargain. This is because airline deals often start to pop up on Tuesday, are often best on Wednesdays and then start to dip back up again at the end of the week, when more expensive fares start to creep back in. This doesn’t mean that you should avoid booking at the weekend, as this could save you the most money. It just means that if you want to be almost certain to get a good deal, you should look out for Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

When is the Best Time in Terms of the Month or Season to Look for Flights?

The best time in terms of the month or season to look for flights largely depends on where you are flying to. Flight costs often tend to drop at the beginning of the month and the best months for cheap flights is often between January and April (outside of school holidays) and September and October. Prices tend to be higher during peak periods such as summer holidays, bank holidays, Christmas or Easter, and even if the prices do come down, they usually don’t come down to an exhaustive level.

If you are looking for a bargain in winter, you should focus on months like January, February and March. These tend to be the cheapest flight times of the year and you’ll easily find good deals if you’re willing to be flexible.

It is also worth noting that Tuesday at 3pm is the busiest time for booking flights, so if you can book your flight on any other day of the week, you could find yourself missing out on some of the best deals as everyone else scrambles for them.

What are the Best Websites or Apps to Use When Searching for Flights?

When it comes to searching for flights, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, there are some incredible websites and apps available that make it faster and easier for you to search for the best deals. Here are the top five websites and apps to look out for when searching for flights:

  1. Google Flights: As one of the leading search engines, Google Flights makes it easier to search for a flight to your desired destination quickly and easily.

  2. Skyscanner: Skyscanner is a great website to use when looking for flights. It is designed to search through thousands of airlines and websites to get you the best deals.

  3. Expedia: Expedia allows you to search for flights, hotels, car rentals and more, all in one place, so you can save time and money.

  4. Kayak: Kayak is known as one of the best comparison websites for flights, allowing you to compare different airlines to get the best deal.

  5. Hopper: Hopper is an app that helps you find great deals for flights, as well as helping you track the prices so you can snatch the best deals when they come up.

When it comes to booking the best flights for the lowest price, it is essential to know the best day of the week, time in terms of the month or season and the best websites or apps to use. Generally speaking, Tuesdays and Wednesdays tend to be the best days to look for flights, while January to April, September and October are the prime months to snag a bargain. There are also a number of great websites and apps that make it easier to search for and track the best deals, such as Google Flights, Skyscanner, Expedia, Kayak and Hopper. By following this advice, you should be able to get the best deals on your flights.