The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) recently approved “the establishment of an appropriate follow-up mechanism to ensure the effective implementation of measures decided by the Security Council to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen.” This vote serves to increase the pressure on the warring factions to allow for the delivery of much-needed aid, including medical supplies and essentials like food and water. The resolution, which was submitted by Saudi Arabia, was unanimously accepted by all 15 members of the Security Council. This historic resolution will pave the way for a lasting end to the horrific humanitarian crisis in this Middle Eastern nation.

Background to the Current Crisis

Yemen is currently caught in the grip of one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. The conflict began in 2015 when a civil war broke out between forces loyal to the Yemeni government and Houthi rebels. This bloody conflict has left millions of civilians trapped in a volatile and dangerous situation. The severe disruption of the country’s health infrastructure, coupled with the spread of infectious diseases, has now plunged the country into a state of extreme vulnerability. As the conflict drags on, the situation has become extremely dire, with thousands of lives being lost every month.

What the UN Security Council Resolution Entails

The UN’s resolution declared that it would establish a “narrative monitoring and reporting mechanism” to monitor and report on violations of international humanitarian law in Yemen. It will also try to find out what measures would be needed to alleviate the suffering of civilians in Yemen. The resolution calls for “all parties to take immediate, meaningful, substantial and concrete steps to end the conflict and alleviate suffering,” and demanded that all parties to the conflict refrain from attacking civilians and civilian infrastructures. It also declared the “temporary deployment of up to five United Nations or other personnel to collect narrative information, including through public hearings and interviews, in an effort to assist in the investigation and reporting of violations of international human rights and international humanitarian law.”

The Importance of this Resolution

This resolution is an important breakthrough in the struggle to bring an end to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. It is expected that the resolution will help to push the warring factions towards a lasting political solution. This comes at a critical time as the conflict in Yemen has now been raging for over five years, with no end in sight. A peace deal is urgently needed in order to provide much-needed aid and essential supplies to the people of Yemen. The resolution also offers hope that the international community is taking the issue of Yemen’s humanitarian crisis seriously and is willing to act to ensure the suffering of civilians ends soon.

How the Resolution Could be Implemented

The resolution provides a roadmap for a humanitarian solution in Yemen. In order for the resolution to be effective, it must be implemented with urgency and in a coordinated manner. This could involve a number of measures, including:

  1. Immediate delivery of aid and essential supplies, including water, food, and medical supplies.

  2. A negotiated cease-fire between the warring factions.

  3. An international monitoring mission to observe and report on violations of international humanitarian law.

  4. Access for humanitarian organizations to all areas of the country.

  5. Establishment of a UN-led political process to seek a negotiated peaceful end to the conflict.

  6. Safe returns for refugees and internally displaced persons.

  7. Free, fair and inclusive elections, supervised by the UN.

  8. Adherence to international human rights principles.

The resolution adopted by the UN Security Council is a major step forward in the effort to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen. The international community must now act with urgency to ensure that the resolution is implemented effectively, so that much-needed relief can be provided to the people of Yemen. Only then can the suffering and death that has gone on for so long be brought to an end. The world must stand together in solidarity with the people of Yemen, as we strive to end this conflict and bring about much-needed peace and stability in the region.